TMJ / TMD Therapy

Symptoms | Procedure | Cost

What Is TMD / TMJ Therapy?

TMD, otherwise known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, or simply called TMJ, occurs when your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the joint that connects your mandible/jawbone and temporal bone together, gets impaired with various issues that could cause you pain, discomfort, or difficulties with using your mouth.

TMD can be caused by things like stress in the environment, genetics, an injury, or problems with your TMJ that are already there.


What are the symptoms of TMD?

Since TMD poses a variety of symptoms, it can differ from one person to another. The best way to know if you have TMD is by checking in with your dentist. After a series of initial tests, like looking at your medical and dental history, taking x-rays, and other tests, a diagnosis will be made.
Common symptoms of TMD include:

  • When you open or close your mouth, you may hear clicking or popping sounds.
  • When chewing or yawning, you may experience pain or discomfort in your jaw.
  • Pain or discomfort in places such as the neck, shoulders, and ears.
  • Ringing in the ears, hearing loss.
  • Chronic headaches/migraines and exhaustion.
  • Problems with your lower jaw’s functionality.

Treatment Of Jaw Disorder

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders | Difficulty Chewing or Jaw Pain
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders | Difficulty Chewing or Jaw Pain


What are the treatment procedures available for TMD?

There are various approaches to treating TMD, depending on the severity of your case and at the discretion of your dentist. These can range from home remedies for temporary treatment to advanced surgical solutions. The following are some of the available treatment options for TMD:

  • Temporary Treatment for Pain Relief

    It’s important to note that these TMD treatments only offer temporary relief and do not treat the root cause of your TMD. These self-help remedies include physical therapy, massage, dietary limitations, using heat and cold packs, limiting jaw movement, and medications, among others.

  • Appliance Therapy

    This form of treatment utilizes dental appliances such as mouth splints and/or mouth guards to help alleviate issues associated with TMD, such as relieving pain or stress on your jaw, improving your mouth’s functionality, including your bite, and allowing your jaw to be aligned with your TMJ socket. The appropriate appliance will be recommended by your dentist after the assessment of your examinations. If you’re interested in getting a dental appliance, Dynasty Tower Dental offers various options, such as night guards and sports mouthwear.

  • Occlusal Equilibration

    This treatment is considered by your dentist if they determine that your joint has no structural disorder but still needs alignment due to impediments on the teeth, which affect your bite and result in improper jaw closure. In occlusal equilibration, your dentist gently changes the shape of your teeth to get your bite in line.

  • Surgical Treatment

    Surgical procedures are oftentimes considered when all other treatments have been attempted. Surgical treatments will be done by an oral surgeon, and you will be under general anesthesia to numb you in the process. There are also various approaches when performing surgery for TMD, including:

    • Arthrocentesis

      This is a minor procedure where your surgeon inserts needles into your joint area to dispense sterilized fluid, cleansing the affected area. They may also use various dental instruments to treat the affected area, such as repositioning the disc in the joint or simply removing any tissue adhesions.

    • Arthroscopy

      During this option, your surgeon will make a small cut around the temple joint by your ear to insert an endoscope, providing them with visual assistance to remove any adhesions, reposition the disc, or even treat infections.

    • Open joint surgery

      During this option, your surgeon may use a scalpel to re-sculpt or remove the area of concern, depending on the severity of your case. When you do open joint surgery, you can get to areas of the bone that are broken, scarred, getting worse, or even having tumors.

How can you prevent TMD?

Although some TMD symptoms are mostly out of your control, there are ways to prevent the misalignment of your TMJ, such as:

  • Practicing good posture
  • Wearing protective dental appliances like night guards/mouthguards
  • Practicing muscle relaxation techniques
  • Avoid putting too much stress on your jaw
  • Minding your dietary patterns

Do you have difficulty chewing or jaw pain?

Contact Dynasty Tower Dental in North York now to schedule your free initial consultation & exam.


How much does TMD therapy cost?

The cost of TMD therapy varies on the severity of your case and the customized treatment plan made by your dentist. Other factors affect this as well, such as the location, the equipment needed to be used, and insurance factors, among others. For a more accurate quotation, you can reach out to us here, and we will happily accommodate your concerns.


Is TMD therapy painful?

Some procedures only require using dental appliances, but for surgical treatments, you will be under general anesthesia to help numb you throughout the process, leaving any discomfort behind.

When should I seek treatment for TMD?

If the symptoms mentioned above are constantly affecting your daily life, you should consider getting a consultation with your dentist.

Does TMD pose long-term effects?

If left untreated, TMD can cause complications such as prolonged jaw pain, sore and fractured teeth, and at times, lockjaw.

Is surgery the standard procedure for TMD?

No. Self-help remedies and preventive treatments such as physical therapy, as well as using dental appliances like mouth splints and mouth guards, are the standard forms of treatment when dealing with TMD. Surgical treatment is only considered after attempting the former procedures.

Can medication resolve my TMD?

Taking medications such as over-the-counter painkillers can help with temporary relief from TMD. To have a more accurate and lasting treatment, it’s best to consult with your dentist for treatment options as well as the right medical prescriptions.

If you are suffering from TMJ/TMD consult now with the best dentist in Toronto for FREE!

If you need help with your TMJ, consider Dynasty Tower Dental Clinic. We have an extensive team of oral experts with more than a decade’s experience in providing top-notch oral health services in North York, Toronto, Ontario.

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